Results for 'Wilfrid Sellars’S. Anti—Descriptivism'

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  1.  20
    Kevin Scharp.Wilfrid Sellars’S. Anti—Descriptivism - 2012 - In Leila Haaparanta & Heikki J. Koskinen, Categories of Being: Essays on Metaphysics and Logic. Oxford, England: OUP USA.
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  2. Wilfrid Sellars' Anti-Descriptivism.Kevin Scharp - 2012 - In Leila Haaparanta & Heikki J. Koskinen, Categories of Being: Essays on Metaphysics and Logic. Oxford, England: OUP USA.
    The work of Kripke, Putnam, Kaplan, and others initiated a tradition in philosophy that has come to be known as anti-descriptivism. I argue that when properly interpreted, Wilfrid Sellars is a staunch anti-descriptivist. Not only does he accept most of the conclusions drawn by the more famous anti-descriptivists, he goes beyond their critiques to reject the fundamental tenant of descriptivism—that understanding a linguistic expression consists in mentally grasping its meaning and associating that meaning with the expression. I show that (...)
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  3. Wilfrid Sellars and the task of philosophy.Michael R. Hicks - 2021 - Synthese 198 (10):9373-9400.
    Critical attention to Wilfrid Sellars’s “Philosophy and the Scientific Image of Man” (PSIM) has focused on the dubious Peircean optimism about scientific convergence that underwrites Sellars’s talk of “the” scientific image. Sellars’s ultimate Peircean ontology has led Willem deVries, for instance, to accuse him of being a naturalistic “monistic visionary.” But this complaint of monism misplays the status of the ideal end of science in Sellars’s thinking. I propose a novel reading of PSIM, foregrounding its opening methodological reflections. On (...)
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  4. In the space of reasons: selected essays of Wilfrid Sellars.Wilfrid Sellars - 2007 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Edited by Kevin Scharp & Robert Brandom.
    Inference and meaning -- Some reflections on language games -- Language as thought and as communication -- Meaning as functional classification : a perspective on the relation of syntax to semantics -- Naming and saying -- Grammar and existence : a preface to ontology -- Abstract entities -- Being and being known -- The lever of Archimedes -- Some reflections on thoughts and things -- Mental events -- Phenomenalism -- The identity approach to the mind-body problem -- Philosophy and the (...)
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    Consequences of Behaviorism: Sellars and de Laguna on Explanation.Peter Olen - 2017 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 47 (2):111-131.
    I explore conceptual tensions that emerge between Wilfrid Sellars’ and Grace de Laguna’s adoption of behaviorism. Despite agreeing on various points, I argue that Sellars’ and de Laguna’s positions represent a split between normativist and descriptivist approaches to explanation that are generally incompatible, and I explore how both positions claim conceptual priority.
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    Empiricism and the philosophy of mind.Wilfrid Sellars - 1997 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Edited by Richard Rorty & Robert Brandom.
    The most important work by one of America's greatest twentieth-century philosophers, Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind is both the epitome of Wilfrid Sellars' entire philosophical system and a key document in the history of philosophy. First published in essay form in 1956, it helped bring about a sea change in analytic philosophy. It broke the link, which had bound Russell and Ayer to Locke and Hume--the doctrine of "knowledge by acquaintance." Sellars' attack on the Myth of the Given (...)
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    The metaphysics of practice: writings on action, community, and obligation.Wilfrid Sellars - 2023 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Edited by Kyle Ferguson & Jeremy Randel Koons.
    The Metaphysics of Practice brings together Wilfrid Sellars's writings on topics to do with action, community, and obligation: published essays, manuscripts, and correspondence. Sellars's practical philosophy was absolutely central to his overarching philosophical project of situating persons as practically rational, norm-governed animals within the world as described by an ideal science. The Editors' Introduction offers an overview of Sellars's metaethics, detailing its key features and explaining how these features are supposed to solve outstanding metaethical problems that not only faced (...)
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  8. General Discussion of Sellars's Paper.Wilfrid Sellars - 1974 - Synthese 27 (3/4):467.
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  9. Autobiographical reflections.Wilfrid Sellars - 1975 - In Hector-Neri Castañeda, Action, Knowledge, and Reality: Critical Studies in Honor of Wilfrid Sellars. Indianapolis,: Duke University Press.
    Sellars's short autobiography. It covers the period of his life up to his first publications, showing the breadth of his background and influences in philosophy.
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  10. Scientific Realism or Irenic Instrumentalism: A Critique of Nagel and Feyerabend on Theoretical Explanation.Wilfrid Sellars - 1965 - In Robert Cohen Max Wartofsky, Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Vol. II,. pp. 171-204.
    Sellars argues against Nagelian instrumentalism for his version (not Feyerabend's) of scientific realism.
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  11. The role of imagination in Kant's theory of experience.Wilfrid Sellars - 1978 - In Henry W. Pennsylvania & Johnstone, Categories a Colloquium [Held by the Philosophy Department of the Pennsylvania State University During the Academic Year 1977-78]. The University. pp. 231-245.
  12. Intuition, Induction, and the Middle Way.L. Jonathan Cohen - 1982 - The Monist 65 (3):287-301.
    The tapestry of Wilfrid Sellars’s writings is dauntingly rich in stimulus and suggestion. I shall take up here an intriguing strand of thought that was woven into one of his early papers ‘Language, Rules and Behavior’, and I shall discuss some of the issues to which it gives rise. Sellars was concerned in that paper with the procedures by which people evaluate actions as right or wrong, arguments as valid or invalid, and cognitive claims as well or ill grounded. (...)
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  13. Wilfrid Sellars.Willem A. DeVries - 2005 - Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
    Wilfrid Sellars has been called "the most profound and systematic epistemological thinker of the twentieth century". He was in many respects ahead of his time, and many of his innovations have become widely acknowledged, for example, his attack on the "myth of the given", his functionalist treatment of intentional states, his proposal that psychological concepts are like theoretical concepts, and his suggestion that attributions of knowledge locate the knower "in the logical space of reasons". However, while many philosophers have (...)
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    Reply to Alan Donagan.Wilfrid S. Sellars - 1975 - Philosophical Studies 27 (3):149 - 184.
  15. After Kant, Sellars, and Meillassoux: Back to Empirical Realism?James O'Shea - 2017 - In Fabio Gironi, Analytic and Continental Kantianism: The Legacy of Kant in Sellars and Meillassoux. New York: Routledge. pp. 21-40.
    ABSTRACT: I examine how Meillassoux’s conception of correlationism in After Finitude, as I understand it, relates firstly to Kant’s transcendental idealist philosophy, and secondly to the analytic Kantianism of Wilfrid Sellars. I argue that central to the views of both Kant and Sellars is what might be called, with an ambivalent nod to Meillassoux, an objective correlationism. What emerges in the end as the recommended upshot of these analyses is a naturalistic Kantianism that takes the form of an empirical (...)
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  16. The identity approach to the mind-body problem.Wilfrid Sellars - 1965 - Review of Metaphysics 18 (3):430-51.
    1. My primary aim in this paper is to set the stage for a discussion of some of the central themes in the so-called "identity" approach to the mind-body problem. I have particularly in mind Herbert Feigl's elaborate statement and defense of this approach in Volume II of the Minnesota Studies. A secondary, but more constructive, purpose is to bring out some of the reasons which incline me to think that the theory is either very exciting but false, or true (...)
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  17. Naming and saying.Wilfrid Sellars - 1962 - Philosophy of Science 29 (1):7-26.
    The essay adopts the Tractarian view that configurations of objects are expressed by configurations of names. Two alternatives are considered: The objects in atomic facts are (1) without exception particulars; (2) one or more particulars plus a universal (Gustav Bergmann). On (1) a mode of configuration is always an empirical relation: on (2) it is the logical nexus of 'exemplification.' It is argued that (1) is both Wittgenstein's view in the Tractatus and correct. It is also argued that exemplification is (...)
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  18. (2 other versions)Some remarks on Kant's theory of experience.Wilfrid Sellars - 1967 - Journal of Philosophy 64 (20):633-647.
  19. Kant's transcendental idealism.Wilfrid Sellars - 1976 - Collections of Philosophy 6:165-181.
  20. (1 other version)More on givenness and explanatory coherence.Wilfrid S. Sellars - 1979 - In George Pappas, Justification and Knowledge: New Studies in Epistemology. Boston: D. Reidel.
  21. A semantical solution of the mind-body problem.Wilfrid S. Sellars - 1953 - Methodos 5 (September):45-84.
  22. The Ethics of Wilfrid Sellars.Jeremy Randel Koons - 2018 - New York, USA: Routledge.
    Wilfrid Sellars’s ethical theory was rich and deeply innovative. On Sellars’s view, moral judgments express a special kind of shared intention. Thus, we should see Sellars as an early advocate of an expressivism of plans and intentions, and an early theorist of collective intentionality. He supplemented this theory with a sophisticated logic of intentions, a robust theory of the categorical validity of normative expressions, a subtle way of reconciling the cognitive and motivating aspects of moral judgment, and much more— (...)
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  23. Intersubjectivity and Receptive Experience.Rebecca Kukla & Mark Lance - 2014 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 52 (1):22-42.
    Wilfrid Sellars's iconic exposé of the ‘myth of the given’ taught us that experience must present the world to us as normatively laden, in the sense that the contents of experience must license inferences, rule out and justify various beliefs, and rationalize actions. Somehow our beliefs must be governed by the objects as they present themselves to us. Often this requirement is cashed out using language that attributes agent-like properties to objects: we are described as ‘accountable to’ objects, while (...)
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  24. Intentionality and the mental: A correspondence.Wilfrid S. Sellars & Roderick M. Chisholm - 1957 - Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science 2:507-39.
  25. Wilfrid Sellars's Disambiguation of Kant's "Intuition" and its Relevance for the Analysis of Perceptual Content.Paul Redding - 2012 - Paradigmi. Rivista di Critica Filosofica 30 (1):127–140.
  26.  63
    Wilfrid Sellars and phenomenology: intersections, encounters, oppositions.Daniele De Santis & Danilo Manca (eds.) - 2023 - Athens: Ohio University Press.
    This collection offers the first systematic, comparative analysis of Wilfrid Sellars's Pittsburgh school of thought and Husserlian phenomenology. Beginning with an introduction to contemporary philosophical debates about the mind and pragmatism, the essays examine and clarify the discursive divide between analytic and Continental philosophy.
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    Wilfrid Sellars and Twentieth-Century Philosophy.Anke Breunig & Stefan Brandt (eds.) - 2018 - London: Routledge.
    This collection features eleven original essays, divided into three thematic sections, which explore the work of Wilfrid Sellars in relation to other twentieth-century thinkers. Section I analyzes Sellars’s thought in light of some of his influential predecessors, specifically Ludwig Wittgenstein, Rudolf Carnap, John Cook Wilson, and Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz. The second group of essays explores from different perspectives Sellars’s place within the analytic tradition, including his relation with analytic Kantianism and analytic pragmatism. The book’s final section extracts some of the (...)
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    (1 other version)II: [Critique of mr. Wilson Strawson's contribution].Wilfrid Sellars - 1957 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 17 (4):458-472.
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    Knowledge, Mind, and the Given: Reading Wilfrid Sellars's "Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind," Including the Complete Text of Sellars's Essay.Willem A. deVries & Timm Triplett - 2000 - Indianapolis: Hackett.
    This is a careful explication of and commentary on Wilfrid Sellars's classic essay "Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind" [EPM]. It is appropriate for upper-level undergraduates and beyond. The full text of EPM is included in the volume.
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  30. Kant’s Views on Sensibility and Understanding.Wilfrid Sellars - 1967 - The Monist 51 (3):463-491.
    3. One of the most striking features of Kant’s epistemology is his insistence on the need for a sharp distinction between sensibility and understanding. “Our knowledge,” he tells us, “springs from two fundamental sources of mind; the first is the capacity of receiving representations, the second is the power of knowing an object through these representations. Intuitions and concepts constitute, therefore, the elements of all our knowledge….” In spite of this radical difference in role, both sensibility and understanding are construed (...)
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  31. The Rosenthal-Sellars correspondence on intentionality.David M. Rosenthal & Wilfrid S. Sellars - 1972 - In Ausonio Marras, Intentionality, Mind, And Language. London: University Of Illinois Press.
    In response to your kind offer to read through portions of the typescript of my thesis pertaining to your views on intentionality, I am sending you a copy of an introductory section to such a chapter.{1} The enclosed typescript represents a first draft, for which I apologize, but I thought it might be useful to get any comments you might have in at the ground floor, so to speak.
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    From Formalism to Psychology: Metaphilosophical Shifts in Wilfrid Sellars’s Early Works.Peter Olen - 2016 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 6 (1):24-63.
    When discussing Wilfrid Sellars’s philosophy, very little work has been done to offer a developmental account of his systematic views. More often than not, Sellars’s complex views are presented in a systematic and holistic fashion that ignores any periodization of his work. I argue that there is a metaphilosophical shift in Sellars’s early philosophy that results in substantive changes to his conception of language, linguistic rules, and normativity. Specifically, I claim that Sellars’s shift from a formalist metaphilosophy to one (...)
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    Ethics, practical reasoning, agency: Wilfrid Sellars's practical philosophy.Jeremy Randel Koons & Ronald Loeffler (eds.) - 2023 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This is the first volume devoted exclusively to the practical philosophy of Wilfrid Sellars. It features original essays by leading Sellars scholars that examine his ethical theory, his theory of practical reasoning, and his theory of intentional agency. While most scholarship on Sellars's philosophy has focused on his epistemology, metaphysics, or philosophy of language and mind, Sellars himself regarded his practical philosophy as central to his overall project of situating rational beings within the natural order. The chapters in this (...)
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  34. A note on Popper's argument for dualism.Wilfrid S. Sellars - 1954 - Analysis 15 (October):23-24.
  35. Some Kantian Themes in Wilfrid Sellar's Philosophy.Johannes Haag - 2012 - In Centi B., Kant in the 20th century. Franco Angeli. pp. 111-126.
  36.  52
    (1 other version)Wilfrid Sellars. [REVIEW]Willem DeVries - 2005 - Review of Metaphysics 61 (4):854-855.
    A brief "book note" on James O'Shea's "Wilfrid Sellars".
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  37. The concept of emergence.Paul E. Meehl & Wilfrid S. Sellars - 1956 - In Herbert Feigl & Michael Scriven, Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science. , Vol. pp. 239--252.
  38. Why Wilfrid Sellars Is Right (and Right-Wing).William A. Rottschaefer - 2011 - Journal of Philosophical Research 36:291-325.
    Scholars of Wilfrid Sellars’s thought split into Right- and Left-wing Sellarsians. Right-wing Sellarsians urge Sellars’s scientific realism and the prominence of the scientific image of man in the synoptic vision. Left-wing Sellarsians emphasize the prominence of the logical space of reasons over that of causes, rejecting Sellars’s scientism. In his recent book James O’Shea attempts to reconcile these Sellarsian images, arguing that one best understands the Sellarsian synoptic image in terms of a norm/nature meta-principle that endorses the conceptual irreducibility (...)
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    Wilfrid Sellars on Science and the Mind.Anke Breunig - 2022 - Philosophical Topics 50 (1):235-261.
    This paper explores some ideas of Wilfrid Sellars to raise two difficulties for a naturalistic approach to the mind. The first difficulty, which is methodological, is a corollary of Sellars’s distinction between two images of man-in-the-world, the manifest and the scientific image. For Sellars, taking science seriously requires that we think of it as constructing a unified image of man-in-the-world of its own. I argue that it is the rivalry between the manifest and the scientific image which gives rise (...)
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    Wilfrid Sellars, idealism and realism: understanding psychological nominalism.Patrick J. Reider (ed.) - 2016 - New York: Bloomsbury, Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
    Wilfrid Sellars, Idealism, and Realism is the first study of its kind to address a range of realist and idealist views inspired by psychological nominalism. Bringing together premier analytic realists and distinguished defenders of German idealism, it reveals why psychological nominalism is one of the most important theories of the mind to come out the 20th century. The theory, first put forward by Wilfrid Sellars, argues that language is the only means by which humans can learn the types (...)
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    Comments on Mr. Hempel's Theses.Roderick Firth, Wilfrid Sellars, Roderick M. Chisholm & Paul Weiss - 1952 - Review of Metaphysics 5 (4):622 - 627.
    2. Because of the possibility of lies, or the misuse of language, I believe that Professor Hempel's formulation of the problem of empirical certainty must be interpreted as a convenient abbreviation, in linguistic terms, of a question about beliefs. A complete formulation of the question would have to make some reference to the speaker's beliefs as he utters an "experiential statement.".
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    Wilfrid Sellars and Constructive Empiricism.John Dougherty - 2024 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 14 (2):435-478.
    Wilfred Sellars appears in Bas C. van Fraassen’s The Scientific Image as one of van Fraassen’s primary realist opponents. However, little attention has been paid to Sellars’s influence on van Fraassen’s constructive empiricism and van Fraassen’s criticisms of Sellarsian realism, despite the significant impact of The Scientific Image on the realism debate and recent renewed interest in Sellars’s scientific realism. In the first half of this article, I argue that reading The Scientific Image against a Sellarsian background helps clarify and (...)
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    Wilfrid Sellars and Phenomenology: Intersections, Encounters, Oppositions ed. by Daniele De Santis and Danilo Manca (review).Heath Williams - 2024 - Review of Metaphysics 77 (3):546-548.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Wilfrid Sellars and Phenomenology: Intersections, Encounters, Oppositions ed. by Daniele De Santis and Danilo MancaHeath WilliamsDE SANTIS, Daniele and Danilo Manca, editors. Wilfrid Sellars and Phenomenology: Intersections, Encounters, Oppositions. Athens: Ohio University Press, 2023. xiv + 272 pp. Cloth, $95.00This is an eminently readable and engaging collection of essays. There is much more here than merely comparing and contrasting two disparate thinkers. There are important contributions (...)
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    Wilfrid Sellars: fusing the images.Jay F. Rosenberg - 2007 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This volume presents Rosenberg's previously published studies of the central elements and implications of Sellars' philosophy, along with three new essays that ...
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  45. Wilfrid Sellars on truth: between immanence and transcendence.Stefanie Dach - 2025 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book offers an innovative defense of Wilfrid Sellar's notion of ideal truth. Sellars adopts two attractive ideas about truth: the pragmatist idea that the concept of truth cannot be understood independently from the norms and practices we find ourselves with and the realist idea that there is one ultimate truth about how the world is. Sellars is thus committed both to an immanent notion of truth and an ideal notion of truth. This book discusses these countervailing tendencies and (...)
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  46. Review of 'Wilfrid Sellars' (James O'Shea 2007) and 'Wilfrid Sellars' (Willem deVries 2005).Jaroslav Peregrin, James O'shea & James R. O'Shea - 2008 - Erkenntnis 69 (1):131-135.
    A review of deVries' and O'Shea's books, both titled "Wilfrid Sellars". By Jaroslav Peregrin.
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    Wilfrid Sellars' Semantic Solution of the Mind-Body Problem.Józef Bremer - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 5 (1):177-199.
    In his philosophical works Wilfrid Sellars - like Ludwig Wittgenstein - clearly distinguishes the domain of philosophy from that of empirical sciences. Within the framework of this differentiation he insists on a further sharp distinction between the concepts of empirical or factual linguistics and those of pure semiotic. It is quite clear - thus Sellars's example - that formal logic and pure mathematics are not empirical sciences nor do they constitute branches of any such science. This distinction was historically (...)
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  48. Inferentialism, Modal Anti-Realism, and the Problem of Affection.Griffin Klemick - 2024 - In Mahdi Ranaee & Luz Christopher Seiberth, Reading Kant with Sellars: reconceiving Kantian themes. New York, NY: Routledge.
    Sellars was an inferentialist about meaning. He thus effectively accorded modality a categorial function, maintaining that any meaningful assertion involves implicit commitment to rules of material inference, which modal propositions explicitly endorse. But Sellars was also a modal anti-realist, construing modality as “entirely immanent to thought” (LRB §40), not present in the world an sich. These two commitments, Klemick argues, render it impossible in principle for us to describe the world an sich adequately, undermining Sellars’ scientific realism, on which, at (...)
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    Wilfrid Sellars and His Legacy.James R. O'Shea - 2016 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press UK.
    This collection of new essays on the systematic thought and intellectual legacy of the American philosopher Wilfrid Sellars (1912–1989) comes at a time when Sellars’s influence on contemporary debates about mind, meaning, knowledge, and metaphysics has never been greater. Sellars was among the most important philosophers of the twentieth century, and many of his central ideas have become philosophical stock-in-trade: for example, his conceptions of the ‘myth of the given’, the ‘logical space of reasons’, and the ‘clash’ between the (...)
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  50. Empiricism, Perceptual Knowledge, Normativity, and Realism: Essays on Wilfrid Sellars.Willem A. DeVries (ed.) - 2009 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Leading philosophers from both sides of the Atlantic present essays on Wilfrid Sellars's Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind, one of the crowning achievements of 20th-century analytic philosophy. They discuss empiricism, perception, epistemology, realism, and normativity, showing how vibrant Sellarsian philosophy remains in the 21st century.
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